KICK it with Us! (Kids In the Crespo Kitchen) - Excite Your Little Chefs!
Let us help your niños get cooking and eating healthy!

Time: 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm CST
LOCATION: Virtual (Instagram | Facebook) @CrespoOrganic
KICK (Kids in the Crespo Kitchen) aims to spark the culinary passion in your little niños by encouraging them to join in the kitchen activities alongside adults and even independently. Engaging children in cooking not only introduces them to new dishes but also nurtures their adventurous taste buds. Mangoes stand out as the ideal ingredient to entice kids into the kitchen due to their sweetness, unique tropical flavor, and nutritional benefits. Let’s face it #MangoJoy is real and kids know it! Throughout July, our KICK team, comprising professional culinary folks and real live kids, will share valuable insights, tips, and creative ideas to make kitchen experiences fun and exciting for niños of all ages. Explore a variety of recipes crafted by our in-house KICK chef, #ChefSvea, who started developing culinary skills at the age of 10 and is now 21. By playing along, not only will your kids develop a fondness for mangoes but also embrace a healthier diet rich in fruits and vegetables. Join us for a collection of engaging activities with personalities like #IvinTheYouTubeStar, Luis Roberto Investigative Reporter, Levi the Mango Chooser and other {extra}ordinary niños! There are no age restrictions for learning in the kitchen, and we are going to prove it!
Event Notes: Win a private 1-hour Zoom #ChooseYourCut Mango class for up to 5 children! Keep an eye on our Instagram page for more details!